How to Add a Note to an Event

With every event you have the ability to add a note. Notes help you keep track of details of the event that may be fluid or long standing. For instance, you may need to know where to enter the premises or what extra equipment you may need to bring. Party Rental Planner has the notion of two types of notes. A ‘primary note’ and ‘other notes’.

The primary note is a long-standing note that you always see at the top of your notes tab. this is the most important information you need to see about this event  when viewing it.

Primary Note


The second type of note is the ‘secondary’ or ‘other’ note. These notes have a timestamp on them so you can track interactions with the customer. If you need to know when you spoke to a customer and sent them an invoice, for example, you'd add it as an ‘other’ note. Secondary or other notes can be deleted while primary notes cannot. 




  • event
  • notes