Event Address and Details

The address and details tab allows you to enter basic information about your event. This includes the event location and details like the number of people attending, event type,  event name, event description and past the details of the event.  We divide this tab into two sections: one for location and one for the actual details.


 The event location can be specified on this tab. You can copy the  event location from the billing address or you can create a new location for this event.   Event locations can be saved and reused for future events. This is handy in an instance where the event location is a common place like a convention center or a park that is used multiple times. In the following animation you will see how to enter an  event location for this event. 



To save an event location for future use you'll need to check the checkbox for ‘Save as a new location’. If you're saving as a new location you will see the options for contact name, contact phone number and contact email appear. This should be the contact information for the venue.


new event location


To select an existing location from your list of saved locations simply use the ‘select venue’ button. you will be prompted to select from your list of already saved locations.




The details of the event are below the event location area.  In these fields you can enter the people attending, event type, event name, event description, and event past event details. The event type can be customized to fit your business needs. For instance You can create specific types for corporate, residential, fundraiser, camp etc. If you need more fieldsyou can always use our custom fields feature.


event details



  • event
  • address