Finding your Products

Viewing Your Products

To view all of the products under a particular product class, click on the View Products button. A list of your products for the class will be shown along with the information you provided about each item.  

Viewing your products



Party Rental Planner Provided the following three methods to search for your products: Main Navigation, Products Manament Screen, and Search Page.  Use this section to see each method in action.

Main Navigation

If your screen is wide enough you can use the search input on the main navigation. Start typing the name of your product or product class and it will appear if it's in your  product list.  Click on the product once found.

searching for products from the main navigation

Product & Services Manager

You can also search from your product management screen. Type the name of the product or product class in the search box and click the search button.

Searching for products


Search Page

The search page -  if your screen is not wide enough when you click the search icon in the main navigation you will be taken to the search page.  The search page allows you to search for customers events and products. If you're only interested in products unchecked customers and events and leave products selected. Type the name of your product or product class and click the search button.


Searching for products using the search page


  • search
  • products