Customer Info

The customer information tab allows you to enter basic information about your event’s contact person or persons. Starting with the primary contact you have the option of entering the first and last name of the person or organization, phone number, and email.   You also have a billing address. Don't confuse the billing address on the customer panel with the event address. The billing address is a single address associated with the primary contact for the business. The event address can be updated in the address and details tab.

 Along with a primary contact you have the option of entering additional contact persons. This allows you to easily organize a more complex event in which you need to communicate with more than one person.

On this screen you will also find a customer type field. Customer types can be customized to fit your business.  You can set up different customer types based on your industry.   For instance a residential vs a business customer or a subcontractor or nonprofit customer.   It allows for easy categorization of your customers.  Below the type field is an ‘edit this list’ link which will allow you to manage your customer types.


Customer Event



  • event
  • customer