Dates & Times

With every event you have the option of adding dates and times. Dates and times are important because they allow you to see what your future events are and if you've over booked your equipment or services. Adding dates and times to your events also ensures it will show up on the calendar which can also be synced to your personal calendar. Party Rental Planner has multiple dates and times you can add to each event. By default the ‘master event dates’ are the ones which we use to ensure your products are available and we also use these days to appear on your master calendar. You can add other dates like set up delivery and pick up and drop off in your account setup panel.

To add dates and times to your event use the ‘dates and times’ tab in the event manager.  Be sure the start date is before the end date for proper date calculations.


event dates and time



  • events
  • dates
  • times